From the hit Starz TV series, Ash vs. Evil Dead! The series follows Ash, stock boy, aging lothario and chainsaw-handed monster hunter who spent 30 years avoiding responsibility, and the...
NECA Ash vs Evil Dead Prop Replica Ashy Slashy (Possessed) Puppet Terrorize friends and enemies with your very own replica of the possessed Ashy Slashy puppet from Season 2 of...
Neca Creepshow The Creep Figure Shudder's Creepshow TV series expands on the rich legacy of horror built by the original movies, and breathes new unlife into its mascot, The Creep....
Neca Friday the 13th Part 7 New Blood Jason Ultimate 7 Inch Action Figure From the Friday the 13th franchise, we are happy to announce the definitive collector’s version of...
NECA Gremlins 2 Bat Gremlin Deluxe Figure Product Description One of the most requested Gremlins figures of all time! From Gremlins 2: The New Batch comes the spectacular Bat Gremlin,...
Gremlins 2 The New Batch Flasher Gremlin Life-Size Stunt Puppet Prop Replica: Authentic full-size replica of the Flasher Gremlin! From the popular Gremlins 2: The New Batch film! Hand-painted, with fabric trench...
NECA Gremlins 2: The New Batch Tattoo Gremlins Two-Pack The Gremlins are back, and this time they've taken control of a high-tech skyscraper in New York City! From the sequel...