The cruel terror troops known as Raptors consider themselves the elite of the Chaos Space Marines warbands. Their murder squads epitomise what has become of the Assault Marines of the...
Citadel Contrast Paint: Briar Queen Chill (18ml)
Bases, shades, and highlights your models with a single application
Water-based formula
Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Shade Paint: Poxwalker (18ml)
Formulated to draw out details with natural-looking depth and shadow
Smooth matt finish
Water-based formula
Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Shade Paint: Druchii Violet (18ml)
Formulated to draw out details with natural-looking depth and shadow
Smooth matt finish
Water-based formula
Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Shade Paint: Drakenhof Nightshade (18ml)
Formulated to draw out details with natural-looking depth and shadow
Smooth matt finish
Water-based formula
Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Shade Paint: Athonian Camoshade (18ml)
Formulated to draw out details with natural-looking depth and shadow
Smooth matt finish
Water-based formula
Pot size: 18ml
Citadel Shade Paint: Fuegan Orange (18ml)
Formulated to draw out details with natural-looking depth and shadow
Smooth matt finish
Water-based formula
Pot size: 18ml
Slumping, shuffling, and slouching comes the Plaguehost of Invidia, massed ranks of Plaguebearers tallying the new diseases they visit upon the foe. Lucky, then, that they have Noddrack the Snitch...
Kill Team Chalnath is an expansion / box set for Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team, featuring the Sisters of Battle and T'au Empire. This boxed set includes: - 1x 96-page Kill...
Powering into battle on a trio of articulated track units, the Myphitic Blight-hauler is a light Daemon Engine that provides the Death Guard with heavy firepower wherever it is needed....
As grizzled a warrior as his Chapter has ever known, High Chaplain Grimaldus is a beacon of Imperial faith. His fortitude is such that many of his brothers believe him...